Impact Feature #3

The Fight for Health

Taradgavhan is a small village in Shrigonda block in Ahmednagar District. It is 45 kms away from Ahmednagar District and 40 kms away from Shrigonda block. The population of the village is 922 with 219 families. Female is 428 and male is 494. There is a primary school in the village. After the primary education children have to walk about 10 kms to Ghogargaon village to another government school. There is no health clinic / PHC in the village. The people of the Taradgavhan have to rely on Ghogargaon village for everything. There are no Bank and Post Office in this village. Since one month, they have newly elected Sarpanch. The sarpanch was elected by the villagers. The name of the Sarpanch is Mr. Navnath Doke. Taradgavhan village is mainly dependent on the rain water for the agriculture. After December the people have to rely on tankers for the drinking water.

In the beginning of November, the villagers named Sunanda Thorve, Pooja Doke and Digamber Doke were sick with fever. They took treatment from the nearby clinic from Ghogargaon village. There was no improvement seen. The patients were taken to Ahmednagar to doctor Walke. He checked the people and took few tests. All the patients were diagnosed with dengue.

The villagers gave this news to Sarpanch of the village, Mr. Navnath Doke. He discussed this issue with the villagers. The villagers and the sarpanch gave the news of the outbreak of the dengue fever in the local newspapers. After publishing the news in the newspapers an immediate action was taken by the Primary Health Sector at Mandavgan.

Some of the government officers such as Block Health Officer Dr. N. M. Joshi, Main Health officer Dr. P. V. Shinde, Gramsevak of the village Mrs. Dyaneshwari Gaikwad, Health Supervisor and eight Arogya Sevak came to the village. They guided people on preventive measures to avoid the dengue fever. The whole village was fumigated, Blood check-up was conducted of the clinically suspected people and stagnant water was also checked to prevent breeding of Aedes Mosquitoes. All the people were also given Abet tablets to control the Dengue fever. The department provided their support continuously for five days. The whole village was made clean.

The whole village, Sarpanch, Mr. Navnath Doke were very grateful to all the government officers from Public Health Sector for their immediate action on the issue.

Sarpanch of Taradgavhan Mr. Navnath Doke felicitated by villagers

and PLE Animator Sachin Sable

Case study 1

News of Taradgavhan Village Case study

Case study 1